Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 My generation is known for using multiple sources of technology to learn about what's going on in our country and world. I have never once picked up a newspaper to look at the news. I get all of my information online. However, I always take the "news" lightly, especially when it is from independent content creators who might be biased. Not to mention the influx of AI-generated content that floods the trending pages of social media on a day to day basis.

Americans say media bias divides the nation. This chart shows most  polarizing.

1. TikTok

The source I use the most is TikTok. I never intentionally go searching for news, but that is the place I find it appearing in front of me more often than not. The type of content I view on their is quickly consumed and mostly tailored for my personal interests. 

2.  Twitter "X"

Twitter is good for more legitimate news as most of the viral news posts that pop up on my feed are from verified and credible sources. So this is typically where I get my news on the politics side of the world as well as the dramatic aspects of our country. 

3.  Word of mouth

My parents and family members heavily rely on mainstream news sources like CNN, Fox, etc. So more often then not, I'll hear about anything important through our group chats on iMessage or at family gatherings. 

4. Instagram Reels

Although I probably spend the least amount of time on Instagram, I'll normally find myself scrolling through reels when I am on there. Most of the reels that I find on there regarding important information are comedic variations of the actual news, but raises my attention to it nonetheless. 

5. YouTube

YouTube is one of the sources I use the most for social media based content, but I would say that it provides me with the least important information of the 5. The content that I consume the most from YouTube would be news related to my fields of interest. 

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