Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Age of AI


The Rise of AI in Everyday Life: Reflections from In the Age of AI

After watching the documentary, In the Age of AI, I gained new perspective on how rapidly artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of our daily lives. The video highlighted an extensive use of AI in China, in where it AI is prominent in their everyday lives.

One of the most shocking things was to see that China has replaced credit cards and now uses facial recognition for everyday purchases and payments. This raises serious concerns about privacy and control, as well as the potential impact it may have on banking industries in the United States. If this technology becomes more common here, it could lead to significant job losses and disrupt entire sectors of the economy. Although convenient, facial recognition payments could come at the cost of individual freedoms and privacy.

Another shocking aspect of China’s use of AI is its application in public surveillance. In particular, how AI is used to identify and fine jaywalkers. This contributes to China’s social credit system, where individuals are assigned scores based on their public behavior. A high score results in perks like discounts while a low score could lead to punishments such as being banned from public transportation. While I can the benefits of creating a more orderly society, this is deeply concerning in regards to personal privacy and government overreach. The thought of being constantly monitored by AI is unsettling to say the least.

Overall, AI has the potential to change the world as we know it. The potential is limitless, but includes facial recognition, gaming, and even self-driving vehicles. Despite this, AI also raises important questions about the long-term impact on privacy, job displacement, and social control. AI is a powerful tool, but its integration into our lives requires careful consideration of the implications it may have on society as a whole.

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The Age of AI

  The Rise of AI in Everyday Life: Reflections from In the Age of AI After watching the documentary,  In the Age of AI,  I gained new perspe...