Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

The eight values of free expression are the structure of the United States. These values enable citizens to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, which is a core aspect of American democracy. Each value plays a separate role in securing freedom. Combined, they create a system that allows Americans to express themselves freely. 

Out of the eight values, the one that stands out to me the most is the ability to check governmental power. The U.S. government thankfully operates under a system of checks and balances, but what truly makes it a government governed by people is the citizens’ right to hold the government accountable. This enables the public to ensure that no branch of government abuses its power.

One key component of this value is freedom of the press. The press serves as surveillance to catch any wrongdoings may occur within the government and its power. The freedom of press keeps the public informed and helps to take action when necessary. By uncovering wrongdoing or corruption, the press ensures that society remains fair and just.

Participation in self-government is another major value. Public debates and political discussions play a major part in elections. These debates give voters the opportunity to learn about candidates' policies and make informed decisions at the polls. This process is crucial to American democracy as it ensures that citizens can actively engage in the governance of their country.

Another value, which is one that I hold the deepest importance to is the marketplace of ideas. This value is most important during election season when political campaigns and backlash can be filled with misinformation or outright lies. The marketplace of ideas allows for a battle between truth and falsehood, with the belief that truth will ultimately pull through. The value also emphasizes the importance of freedom of the press, allowing journalists to expose lies and present the facts to the public. In this way, the press serves as an important mechanism for holding both politicians and the public accountable. This is even more important now in our generation, as the amount of fabricated content on social media regarding political views and leaders is exponentially increasing.

The value of individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization, is the freedom to express oneself, shape one’s identity, and pursue personal goals as an American. The ability to freely express opinions, beliefs, and aspirations is a crucial part in maintaining everyone's identity. Free speech allows everyone to be themselves without having drawbacks or limitations. 

Finally, the values of promoting tolerance, innovation, and dissent are major components to uphold in our society. Tolerance, though sometimes difficult to maintain, is fundamental to a diverse and inclusive society. Although hate speech remains a controversial issue, its protection under free speech allows society to build tolerance over time. Although the law may protect harmful speech, societal pressure can discourage it, creating a culture of greater acceptance.

In conclusion, the eight values of free expression work together to make America the free society that it is today. Even if we don’t always realize it, these values are present in our daily lives and allow us to live freely.

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