Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Age of AI


The Rise of AI in Everyday Life: Reflections from In the Age of AI

After watching the documentary, In the Age of AI, I gained new perspective on how rapidly artificial intelligence (AI) has become a part of our daily lives. The video highlighted an extensive use of AI in China, in where it AI is prominent in their everyday lives.

One of the most shocking things was to see that China has replaced credit cards and now uses facial recognition for everyday purchases and payments. This raises serious concerns about privacy and control, as well as the potential impact it may have on banking industries in the United States. If this technology becomes more common here, it could lead to significant job losses and disrupt entire sectors of the economy. Although convenient, facial recognition payments could come at the cost of individual freedoms and privacy.

Another shocking aspect of China’s use of AI is its application in public surveillance. In particular, how AI is used to identify and fine jaywalkers. This contributes to China’s social credit system, where individuals are assigned scores based on their public behavior. A high score results in perks like discounts while a low score could lead to punishments such as being banned from public transportation. While I can the benefits of creating a more orderly society, this is deeply concerning in regards to personal privacy and government overreach. The thought of being constantly monitored by AI is unsettling to say the least.

Overall, AI has the potential to change the world as we know it. The potential is limitless, but includes facial recognition, gaming, and even self-driving vehicles. Despite this, AI also raises important questions about the long-term impact on privacy, job displacement, and social control. AI is a powerful tool, but its integration into our lives requires careful consideration of the implications it may have on society as a whole.

Twitter's Transformation Through Diffusion Theory

Twitter’s Transformation Through Diffusion Theory

Twitter, one of the most influential social media platforms of modern times, has undergone significant transformations since its creation in 2006. Its journey from a simple SMS site to a global communications tool can be understood through the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, developed by sociologist Everett Rogers. This theory explains how new ideas and technologies popularize over time. This theory is categorized into five stages: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. 


In 2006, Jack Dorsey and a small team of his co-workers created Twitter as a side project at Odeo, which was a podcasting company. At this time, Twitter was only recognized by innovators, which were the early stage testers of the platform. In these early days, Twitter had a small but dedicated group of users who saw its potential as a real-time communication avenue.

Early Adopters:

By 2007, early adopters began picking up Twitter for its ability to share information quickly and concisely. This group included journalists and activists who used the platform during events to coordinate protests and relay information in real-time. Political discussions, movements, and news began to shape the platform’s uses beyond personal messaging. Early adopters saw Twitter as a new way to participate in conversations about global issues, politics, and current events, giving the platform more attention.

Early Majority: 

The early majority came to Twitter in the years that followed, especially in the late 2000s and early 2010s. Businesses, media outlets, and celebrities joined the platform to engage with customers and fans directly. Twitter’s user base grew rapidly and it became a vital tool for marketing, customer service, and news. The introduction of features like hashtags and trending topics made Twitter even more accessible and appealing to new users. 

Late Majority: 

The late majority began adopting Twitter as it became more prominent in everyday life. By this point, Twitter had evolved from a small SMS site to a major platform. However, this period also brought problems such as misinformation and abuse of the platform.


In 2022, Twitter was acquired by Elon Musk. Musk rebranded Twitter to "X" and began incorporating technologies like artificial intelligence. The laggards are anyone that is currently hopping on board as Twitter has already surpassed its late majority phase of the Diffusion Theory.

The Diffusion Theory shows how Twitter’s growth and transformation has undergone early stage phases to a globally used middle. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Carrier Pigeons: An Innovative Method of Communication


The Invention and Use of Carrier Pigeons: Long-Distance Communication

The carrier pigeon was a remarkable tool for communication. Although Cyrus the Great of Persia is often credited with inventing the system of using pigeons for messaging, evidence of pigeons carrying messages goes as far back as 2000 BC in Mesopotamia. These birds had a pivotal role in overcoming the challenges of long-distance communication.

Early Methods of Communication

Before carrier pigeons, long-distance communication relied on other methods such as: smoke signals and balloon mail. However, these methods were very limited and unreliable. The need for a faster and more efficient way of delivering messages became clear as civilizations grew more.

Carrier Pigeons: A Revolutionary Solution

By the early 1800s, carrier pigeons became a widely used tool in warfare, commerce, and navigation. Their homing ability allowed them to consistently return to their home base after being released from far-off locations, making them an essential tool for communication during emergencies and wars. Unlike human messengers, pigeons could cover long distances quickly and accurately, solving the problem of slow and inefficient communication.

Lifesaving Roles in War

Carrier pigeons played an especially crucial role during World War I and World War II. One of the most famous pigeons, Cher Ami (French for "dear friend"), saved nearly 200 soldiers during World War I. Despite being wounded, Cher Ami successfully delivered a critical message across enemy lines when other communication methods had failed. These birds often provided a lifeline to troops on the front lines.

Impact and Limitations of Messenger Pigeons

While carrier pigeons were highly reliable due to their strong homing ability, they also had their setbacks. Their range was limited, which required conveying systems for longer messages. Not to mention that pigeons were vulnerable to disease outbreaks that could kill off their populations, disrupting communication. Training these birds also required time and included the risk of miscommunication if a pigeon became poorly trained.

Despite these limitations, carrier pigeons were an innovative and effective communication tool for centuries, providing a reliable solution to long-distance communication before modern-day technology came to be.

TED Talks : Privacy

How Our Privacy is Breached Online: Data Mining, Digital Dossiers, and Behavioral Marketing

In this current time, our privacy is more vulnerable than ever, especially our online privacy. This is largely due to the creations of data mining, digital dossiers, and behavioral marketing. These tools are often used by companies, social media platforms, and advertisers to collect your personal information. As we search the internet, use apps, and make online purchases, our data is being absorbed, analyzed, and repurposed, often unbeknownst to most people. 

Data Mining: Extracting Personal Information

Data mining is the process of analyzing vast amounts of data to detect patterns, trends, and correlations. When you interact with websites, social media, or even search engines, you leave behind data. Everything from your clicks, searches, location, preferences, and even time spent on specific pages is tracked. Companies use algorithms to mine this information, giving them insights into your behavior, interests, and purchasing habits.

For example, when you search for a product online or interact with a social media post, your activity is recorded and used to create a profile about you. This data is then sold to advertisers, who use it to create highly targeted ads, increasing their chances of making sales. While this process can benefit the user's experience by providing personalized recommendations, it also is highly invasive of personal privacy.

Digital Dossiers

The information gathered through data mining gets compiled into digital dossiers which are profiles that companies collect about individuals. These dossiers are full of your personal information: including your age, gender, income, browsing history, purchasing behavior, and even political or religious preferences. As time goes on, these profiles become incredibly detailed, giving companies a full insight to your online life.

These dossiers raise concerns because they are often shared, sold, or traded without your knowledge. Data brokers can sell your dossier to companies or even political organizations, who then use it to target you with specific ads or messaging as well as influence your behavior. This concept is known as behavioral marketing.

The Need for Greater Privacy Awareness

As these practices grow more sophisticated, our privacy is increasingly at risk. It’s important to be aware of how our data is being collected and used, and to take steps to protect our personal information online.

EOTO #1 : Twitter

The Rise of Twitter: From a Side Project to a Global Phenomenon

In 2006, an NYU student, Jack Dorsey and a group of his co-workers at ODEO, which was a podcasting company, created the platform, Twitter. This concept was originally a side project for the group, but was later developed into a SMS messaging system in which you were able to send messages to groups of people.

In 2007, the platform rapidly became an avenue for political and international relations. The sole purpose of Twitter became to keep international news headlines in front of its users.

However, Twitter also became largely used by businesses to promote content and interact with their customers. One reason why Twitter was so appealing for these usages is because of its unique 140 character limit on posts. These posts were referred to as “Tweets.” This called for concise and powerful messages to be produced by the leaders trying to connect with the masses. 

The Birth of Social Media Influencers

As Twitter grew in popularity, it contributed to the rise of social media influencers, whose popularity and power stemmed from their digital presence. Due to their large followings, influencers used Twitter to share opinions, promote products, and address public issues.

This started the idea of an influencer economy, where individuals could become "famous" simply by building large followings and effectively using platforms like Twitter. No matter what topics they were speaking on, these influencers wielded significant sway over their audiences, helping to shape the modern landscape of social media.

Twitter's Global Struggles: Bans and Government Censorship

However, as Twitter grew, so did the challenges it faced from governments around the world. Due to varying laws and regulations regarding free speech, censorship, and national security, Twitter was banned in several countries, including Brazil, China, Iran, and North Korea. These governments cut off their citizens' ability to engage with the global community through Twitter, fearing that the platform could be used to challenge state authority. Despite this, Twitter continued to influence global conversations and connected people across borders.

Twitter vs. Facebook: A Social Media Rivalry

Over the years, Twitter has rivaled other social media sources, especially that of Facebook. While Facebook has offered everything from photo-sharing to private messaging, Twitter differentiated itself by forming its model off of concise communication. The focus on public relations and news made Twitter especially attractive to journalists, politicians, and leaders, who used the platform to share information and engage in public debates.

The Elon Musk Era: Rebranding and Future Visions

In 2022Elon Musk purchased the platform. Musk, known for his innovative ideas and approaches, quickly set out to transform Twitter. He rebranded the platform to "X" and began implementing changes with the intention of upgrading the app's technological capabilities.  

Musk has been especially working on the integration of artificial intelligence into his platform. Grok 2.0, an artificial intelligence created by Musk, is currently in the works and is meant to change the way people interact with social media.

Although Musk's new ideas are exciting, it does make people skeptical about the impact that these breakthroughs will have.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

The eight values of free expression are the structure of the United States. These values enable citizens to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech, which is a core aspect of American democracy. Each value plays a separate role in securing freedom. Combined, they create a system that allows Americans to express themselves freely. 

Out of the eight values, the one that stands out to me the most is the ability to check governmental power. The U.S. government thankfully operates under a system of checks and balances, but what truly makes it a government governed by people is the citizens’ right to hold the government accountable. This enables the public to ensure that no branch of government abuses its power.

One key component of this value is freedom of the press. The press serves as surveillance to catch any wrongdoings may occur within the government and its power. The freedom of press keeps the public informed and helps to take action when necessary. By uncovering wrongdoing or corruption, the press ensures that society remains fair and just.

Participation in self-government is another major value. Public debates and political discussions play a major part in elections. These debates give voters the opportunity to learn about candidates' policies and make informed decisions at the polls. This process is crucial to American democracy as it ensures that citizens can actively engage in the governance of their country.

Another value, which is one that I hold the deepest importance to is the marketplace of ideas. This value is most important during election season when political campaigns and backlash can be filled with misinformation or outright lies. The marketplace of ideas allows for a battle between truth and falsehood, with the belief that truth will ultimately pull through. The value also emphasizes the importance of freedom of the press, allowing journalists to expose lies and present the facts to the public. In this way, the press serves as an important mechanism for holding both politicians and the public accountable. This is even more important now in our generation, as the amount of fabricated content on social media regarding political views and leaders is exponentially increasing.

The value of individual self-fulfillment, also known as self-actualization, is the freedom to express oneself, shape one’s identity, and pursue personal goals as an American. The ability to freely express opinions, beliefs, and aspirations is a crucial part in maintaining everyone's identity. Free speech allows everyone to be themselves without having drawbacks or limitations. 

Finally, the values of promoting tolerance, innovation, and dissent are major components to uphold in our society. Tolerance, though sometimes difficult to maintain, is fundamental to a diverse and inclusive society. Although hate speech remains a controversial issue, its protection under free speech allows society to build tolerance over time. Although the law may protect harmful speech, societal pressure can discourage it, creating a culture of greater acceptance.

In conclusion, the eight values of free expression work together to make America the free society that it is today. Even if we don’t always realize it, these values are present in our daily lives and allow us to live freely.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Supreme Court Video

After watching the video about the Supreme Court, I gained a much deeper understanding of its critical role in our government. The Supreme Court is the most powerful faction of the judicial branch. The Court is composed of nine justices, that each serve a sixteen-year term. The justices handle hundreds of cases each week. Once brought to their attention via petitions, they review each case and decide what to do.

The Supreme Court's authority is rooted in both the Constitution and the trust placed in it by the public. Before the Marbury v. Madison case in 1803, the Court held only a fraction of the power it has today. This case, under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall, introduced the concept of judicial review, which allowed the Court to rise to power. Judicial review, along with the system of checks and balances, allows the Supreme Court to oversee and evaluate the actions of the other branches of government.

Meet all of the sitting Supreme Court justices ahead of the new term - ABC  News

Many people might not realize that the Supreme Court plays a crucial role in American democracy. By upholding constitutional law and ensuring that the government operates within its guidelines, the Court helps to hold the nation together. If the Supreme Court were to stop enforcing the Constitution, or if the public lost faith in it, our country's stability would be compromised.

I found the Supreme Court's significance to our country was much greater than what I had previously known. The idea of the judicial branch serving as a check on the other branches of government is extremely important to preventing any other branch from gaining too much power. Something that surprised me the most was the sixteen-year terms that justices are required to serve. This is equal to four presidential terms, which demonstrates the influence and responsibility that these justices hold over our judicial system.

The Age of AI

  The Rise of AI in Everyday Life: Reflections from In the Age of AI After watching the documentary,  In the Age of AI,  I gained new perspe...